Adoption is something I have prayed about for the past year. It has been in my heart, but I knew it might take some convincing for my husband. :) I've had crazier ideas! December 2009, shortly after Jackson was born, I ran into a college friend at a cattleman's convention. He asked how our baby was, I shared with him that he was stillborn, and he shared with me that he and his wife had struggled with infertility and they were just beginning the adoption process. December 2010, I ran into him at the same convention and he told me that they had a successful adoption placement. We spent 30 minutes discussing their agency and it was that night that I knew this was something that we had to learn more about.
Ironically, they only accept classes twice a year through this agency and they would be doing interviews within the next month.
We met with the caseworker in our region over Christmas break to learn more about the program. I had the opportunity to talk to other adoptive parents prior to the meeting as well as reading many blogs that were focused on adoption. On the other hand, Anthony may have needed a little more convincing that this was a good match for our family. But, after answering some of our questions, a lot of talking to each other, and praying for guidance from above we are moving forward with the process.
The process has gone like this:
- 2010
- December 20- Information Meeting
- 2011
- January 3- Submitted Formal Application
- January 15- We got an interview!!!! Yeah!
- February 9- Formal interview. Learn that there are 19 families and only 6 open spots
- February 18- We go accepted into the program!!!!
- March 17&18th- First group training classes
- March 22- Home study #1
- April 5- Home study #2
- April 6- Lisa individual home study
- April 28 & 29- Second group training class
- April- Anthony individual home study
- April- Final home study and walk though
- May- Complete profile for birth moms to view
- May- Profile will begin being shown!!!!!!!!!
We have been finger-printed, poked, financially dissected and various other things in the many, many, pages of paperwork that we have completed. But the reality is that the agency has a duty to ensure birthmoms that they are placing thier child in a happy, healthy, stable home. We are more than happy to provide any necessary information.
We will be participating in an "Open Adoption". We are finding out that adoption is much like stillbirth and many people have complete misconceptions about the process. That is information for another post! :)
Please pray for us and for our future birthmom and baby! We don't know when or where the placement will take place, but we hope it's soon!