Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If only losing weight was as easy as putting on makeup

So, you know how I like to bake? Well right now my body shows it. Weight has never been an easy topic for me. I was never a chubby kid, but I was never scrawny either. It’s always been a joke how my older sister wore the 8 slim and I wore the 8 regular. In high school, I wasn’t skinny, but I was average. High school sports tend to keep girls like me from packing on the pounds. Then came college…..and beer and pizza. As a college freshman, I quickly put on weight from having WAY too much fun and not enough exercise. We always joked that our sorority was the farthest from the Rec center and the closest to Maggie Moo’s (it was an ice cream shop for those of you who aren’t from the Midwest). I had a couple of great friends that were great enablers and I love them dearly (you know who you are).

After college, I got back into shape and was regularly working out. We’ll along came my husband and the rest went downhill from there. I slowly gained weight back and by the time our wedding took place, I was heavier than I would have liked to be, but oh well. I have always had a lot of self confidence and weight never really bothered me until now. Ugh.

I am 30lbs heavier (I can’t believe I had to write that number down) than I was before I got pregnant with Jackson. Jackson was born in October and I had a hard time recovering from the birth. It was just one thing after another that kept slowing the process down. Then came the Christmas season- I ate my way through the Holidays, hoping to take the pain in my heart away. It didn’t. It just made my butt bigger. Well, the excuse of “I just had a baby” is now no longer justifiable since that was almost 9 months ago. I never even got to use that excuse at stores, because if you say you had a baby, everyone wants to know about the baby. Part of me has held on to the weight to remind everyone that I was prego and Jackson did exist. Worse thing is that some people can’t tell I am prego again, so they dance around the question. I quickly respond with a “nope, just chubby” and smile. That shuts them up.

Today is a new day. I am back to portion control and making smart choices. I have starting training for my first 5k. It is in June and is to promote cancer awareness. I will run in honor of my dad who has bravely fought cancer for the past six years. Every time I think about how much running hurts, I think of what he has been through and how important it is for me to keep going. Exercise has been good for me both physically and mentally. Now, if my rather large butt would just go away.