July 1st, Jackson would have been nine months old. We have persevered through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Mothers Day, Memorial Day, Fathers Day and now 4th of July. We miss him so much everyday, but somehow each day gets a little bit easier. I still have people ask at least once a week (see post below) how our baby is. I have come to cherish that questions as it gives me the chance to tell everyone he was here, but is no longer and we miss him terribly.
So- on to the title of this post. The roller coaster of TTC (Trying to Conceive). I never thought I would know the meaning of TTC, BBT, HPT, 2WW. But now I do. We have been TTC since December. After six months, I went to our OB (Dr. Three) to see what our options were. Our Family Practice Dr. had suggested we might think about Clomid. Well-Dr. Three gave the kibosh to any fertility treatments until after one year has passed. SO FRUSTRATED. Her nurse tried to tell me me that six months wasn't that long. My response was "well, you don't walk by an empty baby room every day." That shut her up. Stupid comments deserve stupid answers. Once again, until you have walked in my shoes, you don't get to judge.
Dr. Three's main concern is that I am now a high risk patient and it would not be in my/my child's best interest to increase the chance for multiples. I completely understand the medical perspective of that, and i respect that she is doing the best thing for me. But GRRRRRRRRR. It's the two week wait game that is killing me. We have had 3 chemical pregnancies in the past three months. It's amazing how you can get your hopes up in just one day!
I would like to make a suggestion to those out there that are TTC. We purchased the OV Watch a few months ago and it has be awesome. It's not magical, but it takes so much of the stress out of the process. Although I did tell my niece that it was a magic watch! You don't have to take a daily temp, all you have to do is wear the watch each night and it reads a chemical in your skin. Love it!
I will keep my ticket for the TTC roller coaster, hoping that God will want me to trade it in soon. I pray each day for a baby for us to hold and to love.

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